Internet word-of-mouth marketing aims to apply the Internet's information dissemination technology and platform, through the use of words and other expressions as a carrier for consumers, including interactive information between businesses and consumers, opening up new channels for corporate marketing and gaining new benefits. This new marketing model has a strong role in helping auto parts companies. Understand consumer habits. Before the network did not appear, most people knew nothing more than family, friends, television media, radio, print media, and outdoor advertising. Of course there are other but the most important are nothing more than the above. But now people want to understand something when they first think of it as a network, because the network combines all of the above advantages in one. The emergence of the Internet integrates all of the above, and there are two important points that the above carriers do not have is information volume and selectivity. To sum up: Internet = honest + visual + hearing + massive information + optional.
The rapid development of social media. In the age of portals, we invest a large amount of money in hard advertisements. However, we should know that social media has a great tendency to catch up with portals. Let's look at the top three websites in global traffic: google, facebook, and youtube. Accurately speaking, these three websites are representatives of web2.0. And you look around how many people play QQ space, Renren, happy network, microblogging, you will naturally feel, before their web application should be to look at the news, talk about Q only?
Promote natural rankings in search engines. The search engine is a window into the Internet. From the above rankings, we can see that Baidu ranks first, which fully demonstrates the importance of search engines in the Internet age. And we know that search engine display results are divided into two parts: one is a natural ranking; one is an ad placement ranking, and the word-of-mouth effect can produce a considerable number of external links. It is believed that some SEO companies will understand, when the website has more A foreign chain is equivalent to a "recommended ticket."
Tend to the public mentality. In the age of advertising and information explosion, how they say their own products will only give people the feeling of selling their own products and selling them. However, if others on the Internet boast that your product is good, because this “other†has no interest relationship with you, consumers will be more willing to believe this “otherâ€.
Implementation of triple play. Tri-network convergence will bring about a mobile Internet. At that time, the Internet will not only be stored on computers, but will be extended to all possible networked devices. It can be imagined that the Internet at this time is really pervasive and ubiquitous. That was when we really couldn’t live without the internet. In China, the media influence of the Internet has even led the traditional media.
Make your product more personal. Internet word-of-mouth marketing is implemented in innovation, lies in the weirdness that lies in personality, when consumers, especially young consumers, search for your products on the Internet, when he sees a series of word-of-mouth marketing campaigns that you have carefully planned. When it comes to a pleasant experience, I believe consumers will make his first attempt. What I stress is that we must take the two points mentioned above as a prerequisite!